Ministry of Gender and Family and the United Nations sign the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) Second Joint Rolling Work Plan for the Gender Outcome

The Ministry of Gender and Family (MoGF) and the United Nations, represented by the UN Resident Coordinator signed the UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), Second Joint Rolling Work Plan for Outcome 2, for 2017-2018, today.

UNDAF was signed by the Minister of Gender and Family, Ms. Zenysha Shaheed Zaki and the UN Resident Coordinator Ms. Shoko Noda, at a small ceremony held at the Ministry of Gender and Family.

The work plan focuses on one of the four main areas of the general areas of collaboration, which is Outcome 2 on Gender. The overall goal of the Gender Outcome is to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment to enjoy equal rights and opportunities in access to social, economic and political opportunities.

The UNDAF represents a joint commitment by the Government of Maldives and the United Nations to work towards the achievement of development results that will help all women and men, girls and boys live longer, healthier and have expanded choices for their own future.

UNDAF reinforces the partnership between the Government and the United Nations in support of national priorities and in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), tailored to the local context, benefitting the most vulnerable populations in the country, under the Maldives’ obligations to various international Conventions and human rights instruments.

The UNDAF operationalized through Joint Rolling Work Plans provide national partners, the UN agencies and donors with a holistic overview of planned actions on required and available resources.

The signing ceremony was attended by officials of the Ministry of Gender and Family and representatives from participating UN agencies in the Maldives.

The UNDAF 2016-2020 is available on the UN Maldives website:

                                                           30 August 2017