Ministry concludes Positive Parenting Training for Careworkers at Fiyavathi

The Ministry of Gender and Family in partnership with Society for Health Education (SHE) has concluded a Positive Parenting Training for Careworkers at children’s shelter Fiyavathi currently home to 85 children below 10 years under state care. Certificates were awarded to participants at the closing ceremony.

A total of 12 careworkers were trained under this programme designed to provide knowledge and skills relating to personal development, rights and needs of children, developmental stages of children, communication skills, active listening, anger management, conflict resolution, values clarification and personal safety and self-care. The Ministry wishes to express sincere appreciation to SHE for partnering with the Ministry to conduct this training, which was held from 6th February to 5th March 2017.

The Ministry hopes to expand collaboration with government organizations, private sector and civil society to provide staff working at shelters with more training opportunities to ensure that children under state care receive the care and support they deserve for their development and wellbeing.