Rehendhi Award 2017

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the Ministry of Gender and Family has held a special ceremony to award the winners of Rehendhi Award 2017, in recognition of the outstanding contributions and services of women. His Excellency, President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom and First Lady Madam Fathimath Ibrahim were the guests of honor of the special event held at Dharubaaruge today. Vice President Mr. Abdulla Jihad, Speaker of the Parliament Mr. Abdulla Maseeh, Chief Justice Honorable Uz. Abdulla Saeed, Cabinet Ministers, and other senior officials of the government were also present at the ceremony. This year, Rehendhi Award is conferred to four recipients from three main categories. They are:

  • Nazeera Ibrahim Manik – Participation and contribution of women in political and public life
  • Aminath Majeeda – Participation and contribution of women in economic sector
  • Samiya Zakariyya – – Participation and contribution of women in social sector.
  • Ifham Hussain – Participation and contribution of women in social sector.

Speaking at the ceremony, Minister Zenysha emphasized the significant role of women working in various fields and contributing to national development of the Maldives. She also highlighted the hard work of women working from home and noted the importance of support from spouses and families, particularly to advance in their careers and reach decision making roles at the work place.

Ministry of Gender and Family has conferred Rehendhi Award since 2014, to recognize the contributions and services of women towards the development of the community and the nation.