Child Participation Forum held to mark Children’ Day

Ministry of Gender and Family in collaboration with UNICEF Maldives have organised a Child Participation Forum today to mark this year’s Children’s Day. The forum, held at Champa Central Hotel, provided children with the opportunity to share their views and opinions on issues relevant to them, at their homes, community and national level.

Prior the forum, preparatory consultation sessions were held in Male’ and GA. Villingili for high school students, children with disabilities, and children under state care. A total of 24 students from GA. Atoll Education Centre took part in the consultation sessions held in GA. Villingili from 2 – 3 May 2018, while a total of 25 students, representing Centre for Higher Secondary Education (CHSE), Villa International High School, Ahmadhiyya International School, Maldives Girl Guide Association as well as children under state care participated in the consultations held in Male’.

At today’s forum, children presented their opinions and views based on the discussions held at the consultations carried out in Male’ and GA. Villingili, which focused mainly on identifying and finding solutions to issues that affect children at their homes and society.

Minister of Gender and Family Ms Zenysha Shaheed Zaki and UNICEF Country Representative Mr Mohamed El Munir A. Safieldin addressed the forum held today. Speaking at the event, Minister Zenysha highlighted the need to value children’s opinions, experiences and perspectives when formulating policies that affect them. She also urged children to be engaged in community issues and to make the most of such forums.

In addition to Ministry of Gender and Family, senior officials from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Home Affairs, Maldives Police Service, Maldives Girl Guide Association, Centre for Higher Secondary Education (CHSE), Villa International High School and Ahmadhiyya International School also participated at the event.

10 May 2018