“Rehendhi Award” Presented to Three Outstanding Women on the Occasion of International Women’s Day 2018

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the Ministry of Gender and Family has presented Rehendhi Award to three women, in recognition of their achievements and outstanding services towards national development.

This year’s award was conferred to three recipients from two main categories. They are:

  • Aminath Waheedha, H. Maahaa, Male’ – ‘Exceptional Institutional Service’ category
  • Fathimath Nashwa, Seaside, Lh. Naifaru – ‘Exceptional Institutional Service’ category
  • Zoona Naseem, Lucky Corner, N. Kudafari – ‘Non-traditional roles’ category

At a special ceremony held this morning at Dharubaaruge, Chief Guest, Vice President H.E. Abdulla Jihad presented the awards and brooch to the award winners.

At the same function, thirty-three institutions were awarded with certificates for establishing the “Complaints Mechanism” in accordance with the Gender Equality Law (Law No: 18/2016).

The Ministry of Gender and Family has conferred the Rehendhi Award since 2014, in recognition of outstanding contributions and services made by women towards national development.


27 February 2018